La Taverna del Duca Amalfi - Restaurants and Pizzerias in Amalfi, Amalfi Coast

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Restaurant & Pizzeria in Amalfi

Traditional recipes and typical local products

La Taverna del Duca Restaurant is well known as one of the best in Amalfi. It is the perfect place to eat good at the best price, to have lunch after a day-long excursion in Amalfi Coast or to have a dinner by candlelight over a nice plate of traditional italian food.
Main Courses
Meat main courses and fish main courses. Seafood pasta and risotto, and classics revisited.
Second Courses
Fish soup, mixed fried fishes, fillets of cod, squids, lobsters and excellent barbecue meat.
Traditional tastes and delicious varieties. No one can resist a hot and soft Neapolitan pizza.
Authentic white and red wines. Our Wine Cellar offers the coolest wine labels. Taste them!
The Genuineness of the Main Courses
La Taverna del Duca Restaurant proposes a creative cuisine based on the Mediterranean and Neapolitan traditions, paying particular attention to the Amalfi Coast typical dishes. Many of our culinary specialities change depending on the fresh seasonal products available.
Meat and Fish Specialties
Our dishes, cooked only with quality fresh ingredients, are the result of fruitful work between innovation and tradition. We aim to bring out the real flavours and scents of our land. These are very important characteristics to provide the best culinary experience to our customers.
Real Neapolitan Pizza
Pizza is one of the best regional dishes of Campania. And we want to get it right! Our cooking methods are in keeping with the highest Neapolitan traditions. Come taste our pizza flavours with most popular toppings: Margherita, Marinara, Romana, Capricciosa…You'll love at first bite.
Wine Cellar
La Taverna del Duca Restaurant can boast a well-stocked wine cellar with a large selection of white, red and rosé wines to accompany meat dishes, seafood and desserts. They come by the finest vineyards of Campania and other famous regions of Italy!
Into the Heart of Amalfi
Good restaurant in historic centre
The restaurant, surrounded by the ancient walls of Amalfi, shall ensure a warm welcome for all of our guests. Indoor spaces are decorated with colourful details, historical and Middle Ages reminiscences and Amalfi Coast paintings. On the outdoor spaces, however, was set up a characteristic "dehors" with sun shade coverings.
How to Reach Amalfi
Our specialties are waiting for you
La Taverna del Duca Restaurant is located in Piazza Santo Spirito, into the heart of Amalfi. It's a few steps away from the Cathedral of St. Andrew, the Cloister of Paradise and the Paper Mill Museum. The historical context in which you find the restaurant is spectacular and it reminds the Middle Age history of Amalfi... In fact it is living in the past!
Clients Reviews
We are glad to accommodate you
Hospitality, simplicity, joy and sympathy. These qualities may be tested here! The client is to be welcomed with great professionalism and we try to make him feel at home. This space is dedicated to the best clients reviews and to all those who left his heart in Amalfi.

"Questo Ristorante è stato una vera delizia. E' ottimo per coloro che amano la buona cucina di pesce ma anche di terra.

Piatti abbondanti e serviti in padelle simpatiche, un servizio ben gestito, tutto cucinato al momento che termina con il conto che è assolutamente lontano dai prezzi capogiro della Costiera Amalfitana!"

- Andrea -

"Ho mangiato da Dio, il pesce era freschissimo, la pasta fresca ottima e cotta davvero bene, abbiamo ordinato come antipasto una pizza squisita con capperi e pomodorini freschi e non vi dico che sapore!

Anche il proprietario molto a modo, cortese e disponibile. E' davvero molto bello, ma soprattutto vediamo la qualità delle cose: si mangia benissimo!"

- Deborah -

"Bellissimo e suggestivo locale, che all'ottima cucina abbina un servizio e una gentilezza degni di nota.

Abbiamo avuto il piacere di gustare un ottimo pranzo e un' eccellente cena. Ci siamo sentiti coccolati grazie al servizio, professionalmente impeccabile ma anche amichevole, eseguito da personale preparatissimo e competente."

- Cristiano -

"La cucina è davvero ottima, e le specialità da provare sono la pizza, gustosa e fragrante, e il pesce, fresco e cucinato alla perfezione. Consigliamo il "Carpaccio di baccalà al limone" e la pizza "Il grande Vesuvio": delle squisitezze!

Per non parlare delle porzioni, sono davvero ricche ed abbondanti. Un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo."

- Luana -
Online Booking
Get a reservation in Amalfi
We look forward to make your stay special with our delicious food! If you want to know more about the menu, the way to reach the restaurant and our special dinners (New Year's Dinner, for example), send us your request or contact us on the telephone number:

(+39) 089 872755.

La Taverna del Duca Restaurant

Piazza Spirito Santo, 26 - 84011 Amalfi (SA)
Telephone: 089 872755

Vat Id: 03018330658

Web Designer: Daniele Abbacuccio
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